When you will buy a new car, before you know this / Important Tips for Buying a Car / Car Buying Tips


Are you Looking for Buy a New CAR ?

 (Car Buying Tips)         
              Are you looking for buy a new CAR ? So, of course, keep these things in mind, the CAR you want to take, before seeing it from all over the place and observe, listening to the reviews (from internet and others) of the people who took it, then know the people who are using it nearby.
            Whatever CAR you take, of course, take the latest model. Suppose you went to buy a car in month of April, you should definitely take the model 2 to 3 months before or same month of April and avoid the older car as much as you can.

Now, how do you decide which CAR to take ?
1. First you think Diesel or Petrol CAR is Best for you ?
           (Car Buying Tips)  First, whether you want to buy a Diesel CAR or a Petrol CAR, and if you need to make a decision, then first ask yourself what car you are going to pick up will be used? I mean, do you use the car everyday or all of a sudden? If you use a daily basis, calculate how many Kilometers a month can you run.

(Car Buying Tips)  If you want to drive the car less and if you want to keep it short (i.e. 3 to 4 years) then you can buy a petrol car.

(Car Buying Tips)   Another reason you can buy a petrol car is that, you get a high variant petrol car from the diesel, at the price you will buy the diesel car.

(Car Buying Tips)  And if you want to more drive a car and use it for longer periods (i.e. 10 to 15 years) of time, then diesel engine is better for you.

(Car Buying Tips) However, maintenance cost of the diesel engine is slightly higher than the petrol engine.

2.  Now, how do you decide which Company's  CAR you take ?
 (Car Buying Tips)   Now let's come to the company, which means it would be better for you to buy a car. To fix this, you need to first look at where you live, there which company's car servicing is good and the parts of the which company's car are readily available.
(Car Buying Tips) If you take a good look at them first and then buy, you will save both money and time in future.

3. Budget 
(Car Buying Tips)  Now, you have to fix the price of the car, I mean, you have to decide in advance how much you want to buy the car, because there are so many different and different priced cars in the market that you will be very confused if you do not fix the price in advance.
(Car Buying Tips)  Usually the cost of maintenance for more expensive car is higher than the normal car.

(Car Buying Tips) The final price of a car does not depend upon a single vertical. The final i.e. the on road price of your car will be more then the ex-showroom price. Look at the overall picture while buying your car. You need to get your car registered at the nearest Regional Transport Office that is the R.T.O. office.

4. Safety 
(Car Buying Tips) I have mentioned  this  point, because if there is no adequate safety in the car, then  all  the  features and engine would be regardless. From  the  safety point of view car should have the AIRBAGS,  Electronic  Stability  Control,

(Car Buying Tips)  Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) and safety alerts such as  motion detectors and a rear view camera. You do not raise the price of the car by taking unwanted facility, take whatever you need.

5. Engine
(Car Buying Tips) Now, when you ensure the car safety, the buyers are interested in what is the mileage and how fast car can run ? Both of these factors come under the engine. Other than this we should concentrate on the overall displacement in litres and the number of cylinders in the engine.

(Car Buying Tips) If you are a person who likes speed and you choose to buy the basic type of hatchback, you will be disappointed in the long run. On the other hand, if you like to enjoy a peaceful, slow ride around the corner, buying an SUV will be an utter waste of money. Also, consider which purpose do you want to fulfill by buying a car. These two things will help you narrow the type of car you should ideally buy.

6. Mileage 

(Car Buying Tips) This time, if you drive less and drive in the city,  then it would be okay to take the cars that give you more mileage, because the cars that deliver more mileage may have lower engine capacity than the low mileage cars.
(Car Buying Tips) If you want high performance, then you have to consider the mileage.

7. Test the Car Thoroughly Via The Test Drive
 (Car Buying Tips) You might have shortlisted a couple of car models before actually buying the. Now will be the time you test each model for the experience your potential new car will provide. While taking the test drive check your comfort levels, car's mechanism, its performance on odd terrains, etc

8. Navigation System

(Car Buying Tips) The Navigation System is one of the most important system in the vehicle, so you should try within your budget so that the navigation system is in the vehicle. When you are going in the new City, this navigation system will help you navigate your destination very easily.

(Car Buying Tips) We are less concern regarding the maintenance and service, when our vehicle is new but after a year, a best warranty on car parts would certainly help you. While buying a car you should talk to your dealer about the parts warranty depending on the number of year or distance driven.

10. Inspection
(Car Buying Tips) Now let's see when and how the car will take delivery. The car you have finalized after seeing everything, that the day you take it or come to you for delivery, you must make a good inspection on that day :-
Now let's what you see ?
(Car Buying Tips) First, take a good look at the inside, what do you see inside ? First start the car with self and see the car self starter is working properly or not, that means weather smoothly is starting or not. 

(Car Buying Tips) Then see all the power windows in the car are working properly or not, check that the car blower is ok, check that the car's AC is working properly, if working properly then check that the AC is cooling properly, I mean see you can cool down according to your environment, check the car's Headlight, Parking light, Indicator, Brake lights and back gear lights are all ok or not, watch the horn playing.

(Car Buying Tips) If you have a music system, play it well and check it out, check the car's Wiper, but yes you must check with water spray when checking the Wiper. If the water does not spray, the car windshield stains may fall.
       Now take a good look outside the car :-
(Car Buying Tips) First Look Around the car and see if the colour of the car has not gone up anywhere, then see whether the car has a scratch or dent anywhere in the car, if none of these things are there, it's fine. And if there are any of them, be a little patient and tell them to give you the same model another car. Because the car is a dream to us, it is very painful to us if there is a defect in it.

(Car Buying Tips) Please take a good look at it, otherwise both your money and your time will be wasted later.
Another Important Point
(Car Buying Tips) Another important thing is that, if you go to the car showroom yourself or come to your home delivery, it must be done during the day time, because at night there is so much light in the showroom that even minor scratches and minor Dent will not make you visible or understand it better. And if you give at night at home then you can understand that we all have limited lighting in front of the house or in the house or garage, so it is very difficult to detect these problems. So, avoid it at night.

(Car Buying Tips) I pray that your favorite car will be very beautiful and have a wonderful journey.

                    Have a nice day thank you and goodbye.....

Note: The above information is only for your knowledge, the above information is may be not 100% correct. This website i.e. https://1stuknow.blogspot.com is not in any higher responsible for this information.

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